Ian founded LRN.FM to provide liberty-oriented content 24/7 to all parts of the world, and it has been a phenomenally successful project. On March 16, 2021, Ian and I were arrested as part of the Crypto Six, and on June 27, 2023, Aria was taken into custody and held for 11 months in federal prison. On October 2, 2023, Ian was likewise taken into custody, spent 6 months in jail, and landed in federal prison in April 2024, where he will serve the remainder of his 96 month sentence.
Because of this, there have been some necessary changes to LRN.FM. The project has dialed down considerably in scope, and altered its methods. LRN is now a platform that produces and manages various forms of liberty-oriented content, such as the Free Talk Blog, Free Talk Live, and the Free Talk Cast. We’ve also launched our new YouTube channel, and below you can find the first of many upcoming videos in the “Libertarians On…” series:
We’re very excited about these and other upcoming projects, and we hope you continue to show your love and support for us through our Patreon. We know it’s a bit confusing, with there already being a Free Talk Live Patreon, but Free Talk Live has a considerable amount of overhead being a radio show, and these other projects have significantly less expense involved in their production. After a lot of consideration, it was decided to reignite the LRN.FM brand and use it as a container for all the Free Talk related projects currently getting kickstarted.
And, for your convenience, here’s a podcast player for the last few episodes of Free Talk Cast, our once-a-week show that lasts about 25-45 minutes.